thought this would be a good way to give u guys a better idea of where things are that i talk about in this blog. hopefully u can read the labels or blow up the picture. ok it would first be a good idea to be familiar with neaifu on a map of samoa. then you can look at this detail of neiafu. the scale in the bottom left is 2,985 ft. ive labeled the bathing pools where half of the village goes to bathe and do laundry. out past the waves there is where we do our spear fishing. i have been surfing lately right out in front of the bathing pools where the channel makes a bit of a wave. on the inner reef right in front of my house is where i take the village kids surfing. people also go down to vaoto beach for fishing. vaoto is a secluded beach that u actually have to scale down a cliff to get to, but it is well worth the dangerous climb. nobody lives there, only a few people even go there. it is the epitome of a private, isolated tropical beach. i go down there sometimes and pretend im tom hanks from castaway for a few hours. they say people used to live there long ago, but nobody has lived down there for a very long time. my g/f's house is across from the primary school where we just built the fence. all the churches are labeled. i want to say its about a mile and a half between my family's neiafu-tai house (my house) and their neiafu-uta house. from my house to the bus stop is all uphill. one hell of a hill. all of the land to the north and west out of view of this picture is still neiafu, but it wouldnt fit in view and theres no real landmarks that way. the road through neiafu tai does connect to another road which takes you down to tufutafoe village.
1 comment:
Hi Benji-
I stumbled on your blogg as I searched for Neiafu (my village) photos to post on my facebook page.
My name is Ma'ina and I live in Auckland New Zealand. Reading your illustration of Neiafu's location and some of its geographical features brings me back childhood memories!
Hope you enjoyed your time in my village..thanks for sharing.
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