This is basically xmas in samoa. this is the one day of the year where kids are given gifts (new church clothes) and treated special (first to eat, and maybe ice cream for desert!) they also run the show at church doing plays and songs and dances. samoans always look sharp on sundays, and this particular day even moreso. here are some shots...

my girl, her sis, and little cousin who i really want to adopt. haha. she loves to talk to me but is terrified to get near me. like most kids.

the girls are in costume. they normally dress way better than that.

the cutest kids in the world!

at least one of us is good looking. my sweetheart.

my girl's sister, brother and baby cousin. how cute is that baby!

some play about a king who had a dream and something happened. im fluent in samoan, but not bible samoan. kinda like my english.
Hello, I like the blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal
If they are Christian, it’s King Nebuchadnezzar. He had the dream that Daniel interpreted, resulting in the Book of Daniel. The Book of Revelations, which is much more well known, was basically a plagiarized version of the Book of Daniel. (I took a whole semester on the Book of Revelations. It was called “Antichrist, Armageddon, Apocalypse NOW!” hehe
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