shipwrecked. two of them men decided against their better judgement to go out the other night in head high waves. they didnt make it out. this boat had the back cover ripped off and the outrigger badly damaged. as always though, the men were ok.

samoan head massage "fofo." the headache reliever of choice. 60% of the time, it works everytime.

one of the proudest days of my life. seriously. 16 coconuts, carried barefoot down a slippery, rocky hillside about a half-mile long. i was later told that that was a girls load. the young men in the family do this everyday, sometimes twice a day. ive seen guys carrying 35-40 coconuts before.

tearing apart a coconut with his bear hands! u can either shuck them open with a stick or mash them on the rocks until the husk loosens up, like this guy did.

a welcome sign into the village for special occaisons. sooner or later it is taken back down by the villagers or a nice storm. whichever comes first. there was no welcome sign for when i came.

this is the preschool graduation last year. kids in white are moving on to the primary school. notice the candy necklaces, a big thing for special occaisons.

samoan guy grating coconuts. "valu popo" this is a task done by either gender of most any age. the flakes will then be squeezed into coconut cream or fed, as is, the the chickens.
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