Friday, May 22, 2009

compost toilet hunt

this was what i was searching for... not exactly what i had in mind. it was beneficial to see the design though.
on the boat ride over, this palagi baby would just lock up with this samoan baby for minutes at a time. just hugging. it was one of the cutest things ive ever seen.

well with nothing much going on since the school fence was finished i finally took the time to travel to manono island to check out a compost toilet that was built there sometime in this young century. my contact number was not working, so i just decided to wing it and find someone on the island to point me in the right direction. through a bit of jungle we come to a clearing where a lady tells me an old school used to be but it burnt down a few years ago. the compost toilet i was supposed to research reamains standing, but obviously not in working order. i wonder how this will help our compost toilet proposal sent in to the EU.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


the Neiafu Mormon Church
all the mothers being honores with "ulas" (candy necklaces) on mothers day at the mormon church.

women (mostly mothers) doing their church plays on mothers day at the methodist church.

finishing up an amazing mother's day lunch with some ice cream. a real treat for our side of the island.

a Samoan standing fan. Im downloading Metallica's latest album to my ipod. yes im on a small island at the end of the earth.

me and koko, one of the few kids in the village whos not afraid of me. actually sometimes she wont leave me alone. isnt she adorable!